當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲玩法 - 英語pep是什麽意思




1、I gave her a?pep?talk.我給她來了段精神講話。每日會話。

2、At this point nothing can?pep?him up.現在什麽也不能使他振奮起來。

3、The coach gave us a much-needed?pep?talk during the half教練在中場休息時給了我們壹些十分必要的鼓勵。

4、The Democrats held a?pep?rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.民主黨昨天在國會山召開了競選誓師大會。

5、The?pep?band tried to spark the home team with a pop tune那個勁頭十足的樂隊試圖用流行歌曲來激勵主隊(士氣)。

6、The coach gave the team a?pep?talk before the big game.大賽之前,教練向隊員講話,給他們打氣。

7、Stay positive, give yourself a quick?pep?talk,and before you know it, your brain will be clear.保持積極的態度,跟自己來壹個快速談話,不知不覺妳的頭腦就清晰了。

8、I gave him an extra dose of glucose to?pep?him up.我給他多註射了壹劑葡萄糖以增強他的活力。

9、A holiday in the sun will?pep?you up.陽光下的假日會使妳活躍起來。

10、A holiday in the sun will?pep?you up and you'll soon feel better.陽光下的假日會使妳活躍起來,妳很快就會好轉。

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