當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲玩法 - 英文中的同義詞


問題壹:英文裏的同義詞有哪些? 有很多,如:

have a good time

=heva a great time

=enjoy oneself

問題二:求good的英文同義詞,越多越好。 handsome, attractive fit; profitable agreeable, pleasant; amusing considerable; true; full satisfactory right; kind; upper-class skillful; loyal; close actual, real; certain, sure; confirmed; convincing; credible

問題三:為什麽英文中同義詞這麽多 ood box, the inlaid rose had been crafted of a pale

問題四:英語近義詞分別是什麽 pete、contest和match三個字都作「競爭」和「比賽」解,其間有什麽差別呢?


Only two men are peting for the cup (只有兩人在爭奪獎杯)。

The US and Iraqi armies were peting for victory in the battle (美伊兩軍打仗時各自在爭取勝利)。


There are three candidates entering the contest for the presidency (有三名侯選人參加總統競選)。


The father of the deceased billionaire contests the will (那已過身的億萬富豪之父對遺囑提出異議)。


The boy matches his strength with his brother (男孩與其兄弟比試力氣)。


For food no country can match China (至於食物,沒有壹個國家可與中國媲美)。

Contest和match尚可作名詞用,習慣上說 a beauty contest、a speech contest,但a basketball match 。

Agree to與Agree with的分別

按agree with是「贊成」,其受詞可以是人、計劃、分析、建議等,例如:

(1) I agree with the proposal(我贊成這個建議)。

(2) I agree with his *** ysis of the situation(我同意他對情況的分析)。

(3) I agree with every word you’ve just said(妳剛才說的每壹個字我都同意)。

agree to則可能不贊成,但仍然接受,例如:

(1) As I had no choice, I had to agree to their very harsh terms(我別無辦法,唯有答應他們苛刻的要求)。

(2) I agree to the proposal(我可能不贊成,但仍接受這個建議)。

不少人都聽過以下說法: You agree with somebody but agree to something (同意某人的話,是agree with;同意某件事,是agree to)。

但請看張道真《現代英語用法詞典》所引英國小說家沃爾蒲(Hugh Walpole)

They might not agree with his opinions (他們未必贊同他的意見)、

名作家王爾德(Oscar Wilde)

I don't agree with a single word that you have said (妳說的話,我壹個字都不贊同)

二語,妳就會發覺「不能說agree with something」的原則子虛烏有。




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