當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲玩法 - 血色狗男女對白英文版


ANU_NAXX_AGGRO01.wav -Just the little taste~~

ANU_NAXX_AGGRO02.wav -There's no way out~

ANU_NAXX_AGGRO03.wav -Yes, run. It makes the blood pump faster!

ANU_NAXX_GREET.wav -Ahhh~~Welcome to my part~

ANU_NAXX_SLAY.wav -Shhh, it will all be over soon.

ANU_NAXX_TAUNT01.wav -I hear little hearts beating. Yes, beating faster now. Soon the beating will stop.

ANU_NAXX_TAUNT02.wav -Where to go? What to do? So many choises that all end in pain, end in death.

ANU_NAXX_TAUNT03.wav -Which one shall I eat first? So difficult to choose. They all smell so delicious.

ANU_NAXX_TAUNT04.wav -Closer now. Taste the more sores. I've too long without food, without blood to drink.


AmnennarTheColdbringerAggro01.wav -You'll never leave this place.

AmnennarTheColdbringerHealth01.wav -I am the hand of the Lichking.

AmnennarTheColdbringerSlay01.wav -Too easy.

AmnennarTheColdbringerSummon01.wav -To me,my servants.

AmnennarTheColdbringerSummon02.wav -Come spirits,attend your master!


ArcanistDoanAggro01.wav -You would not defile these mysteries!

ArcanistDoanSpecialAE01.wav -Burn in righteous fire!


ArchaedasAggroYell01.wav -Who dares awaken Archaedares the wrath of the Makers?

ArchaedasSlay01.wav -reckless,mortal!

ArchaedasSummon01.wav -Awake the servants.Defend the disks.

ArchaedasSummon02.wav -To my side brothers!For the Makers!


ArchbishopBenedictusAggro01.wav -Sacrilege! Defend the cathedral!

ArchbishopBenedictusGreeting01.wav -Light be with you.What can I do for you today?

ArchbishopBenedictusGreeting02.wav -Welcome to the cathedral of light.

ArchbishopBenedictusGreeting03.wav -Be at peace.

ArchbishopBenedictusGreeting04.wav -You are welcomed here.


ArugalAggro01.wav -You too shall serve!

ArugalCharm01.wav -Release your rage!

ArugalSlay01.wav -Another falls!

ArugalTeaser01.wav -


AtalalarionAggro01.wav -

AtalalarionSpawnYell01.wav -


AvatarOfHakkarAggro01.wav -Die,mortals.

AvatarOfHakkarBrazier01.wav -I draw closer to the world.

AvatarOfHakkarBrazier02.wav -I taste the blood of the life.

AvatarOfHakkarBrazier03.wav -I am here.

AvatarOfHakkarBrazier04.wav -Hakkar lives.


BaronRevilgazAggro01.wav -

BaronRevilgazAggro02.wav -

BaronRevilgazGreeting01.wav -

BaronRevilgazGreeting02.wav -I have work for ones such as you.

BaronRevilgazGreeting03.wav -Adventure awaits!

BaronRevilgazGreeting04.wav -Keep your nose clean in my town女公爵布勞繆克絲(當之無愧的最性感的boss語音)

BLA_NAXX_AGGRO.wav -Defend yourself!


BLA_NAXX_SLAY.wav -Who's next!

BLA_NAXX_SPECIAL.wav -Your life is mine!

BLA_NAXX_TAUNT01.wav -Come, Zeliek. Do not drive the mount, not before we have our fun~

BLA_NAXX_TAUNT02.wav -I do hope they stay alive long enough for me to...introduce myself.

BLA_NAXX_TAUNT03.wav -The first kill goes to me! Anyone care to wager?


BloodmageThalnosAggro01.wav -We hunger for vengeance.

BloodmageThalnosHealth01.wav -No rest... for the angry dead!

BloodmageThalnosSlay01.wav -More... more souls!


BroodlordLasherAggro1.wav -None of your kind should be here! You've doomed only yourselves.

BroodlordLasherLeashTriggered.wav -Clever, mortals. But I'm not so easily brought away from my sanctum.



CThunDeathIsClose.wav -Death--is--close.

CThunYouAreAlready.wav -You--are--already--dead.

CThunYourCourage.wav -Your courage will fail.

CThunYourFriends.wav -Your friends will abandon you.

CThunYouWillBetray.wav -You will betray your friends.

CThunYouWillDIe.wav -You--will--die~

YouAreWeak.wav -You--are--weak.

YourHeartWill.wav -Your heart will explode.


DreamscytheWarningYell01.wav -Turn back.Do not awake the dreamer.


EdwinVanCleefAggro01 -None may challenge the Brotherhood!

EdwinVanCleefHealth01 -Lapdogs, all of you!

EdwinVanCleefHealth02 -Fools, our course is righteous!

EdwinVanCleefHealth03 -The Brotherhood shall prevail.

EdwinVanCleefSlay01 -And stay down.


Electrocutioner6000Aggro01.wav -You like it?Just this!


ExecutusAggro01.wav -Reckless mortals. None may challenge the sons of the living flame!

ExecutusArrival02.wav -These mortal infidels, my lord. They have invaded your sanctum and seeked to steal your secrets.

ExecutusArrival04.wav -My flame...Please don't take away my flame~~

ExecutusDefeat01.wav -Impossible! Stay your attack, mortals. I submit.. I SUBMIT! Brashly you've come to wrest the secrets of the living flame. You will soon regret the recklessness of your quests. I go now to summon the lord whose house this is. Should you seek an audience with him, your paltry lives will surely be forfeit. Nevertheless, scan his lair if you dare.

ExecutusSlay01.wav -Ashes to ashes!

ExecutusSpawn01.wav -The runes of warding have been destroyed, hunt down the infidels, my brethren.

ExecutusSpecialAttack01.wav -Burn, mortals, burn for the strength's

ExecutusSummon01.wav -Behold Ragnaros the Firelord ! He who was ancient when this world was young ! Bow before him , mortals ! Bow before your ending !


FAER_NAXX_AGGRO01.wav -Slay them in the master's name!

FAER_NAXX_AGGRO02.wav -You cannot hide from Me!

FAER_NAXX_AGGRO03.wav -Kneel before me, worm!

FAER_NAXX_AGGRO04.wav -Run while you still can!

FAER_NAXX_DEATH.wav -The master will avenge me!

FAER_NAXX_GREET.wav -Your old lives, your mortal desires mean nothing! You are acolytes of the master now, and you will serve the course without question! The greatest glory is to die in the master's service!

FAER_NAXX_SLAY01.wav -You have failed!

FAER_NAXX_SLAY02.wav -Pathetic wretch!


FandralStaghelmGreeting01.wav -Speak quickly young one.I have urgent matters to attend.

FandralStaghelmGreeting02.wav -Tyrand has no idea how to lead our people.

FandralStaghelmGreeting03.wav -


FankrissISenetence.wav -I sentence you to death!

FankrissIServeTo.wav -I serve...to the last!

FankrissTheLaws.wav -The laws of the ancients will not be challenged!

FankrissTrespassers.wav -Trespassers will be annihilated!

FankrissYouWillBe.wav -You will be judged for defiling these sacred grounds!


FEU_NAXX_AGGRO.wav -Feed you to master!

FEU_NAXX_DEATH.wav -Noe ..more ...Fuegen..Ruhh...

FEU_NAXX_SLAY.wav -Fuegen make master happy!


GalgannFirehammerAggro01.wav -



GOT_NAXX_SLAY.wav -Death is the only escape!

GOT_NAXX_SPCH.wav -Foolishly you have sought your own demise. brazenly you have disregarded powers beyond your understanding. You have fought hard to invade the realm of the harvester. Now, there's only one way out--to walk the lonely path of the damned!

GOT_NAXX_TLPRT.wav -I've waited long enough! Now, you face the harvester's souls!


GrimlockAggro01 -Me Grimlock, king!

GrimlockSlay01 -Die~~Die~~


HerodAggro01 -Ah, I've waiting for a real challenge!

HerodEnrage01 -Light, give me strength!

HerodSlay01 -Hah, is that all?

HerodWhirlwind01 -Date of light!


HighInquisitorWhitemaneRes01.wav -Arise,my champion!

HighInquisitorWhitemaneSlay01.wav -The light has spoken!

HighInquisitorWhitemaneSpawn01.wav -Mograine has fallen?You shall pay for this treachery!


HighTinkerMekkatorqueAggro01 -I won't stand for that!

HighTinkerMekkatorqueGreeting01 -Hello there, welcome to tinker town.

HighTinkerMekkatorqueGreeting02 -Necessity is the first cousin of invention.

HighTinkerMekkatorqueGreeting03 -I just loved tinker.

HighTinkerMekkatorqueGreeting04 -Any news from Gnomeregan?

HighTinkerMekkatorqueSlay01 -Pick on someone your own size.


HoundmasterLokseyAggro01.wav -Release the hounds!

*中文名暫缺*Interrogator Vishas(血色修道院)

InterrogatorVishasAggro01.wav -Tell me... tell me everything!

InterrogatorVishasHealth01.wav -Naughty secrets!

InterrogatorVishasHealth02.wav -I'll rip the secrets from your fresh!

InterrogatorVishasSlay01.wav -Purge by pain!


IronayaAggro01 -None may steal the secrets of the makers!


JainaProudmooreAggro01 -You asked for it.

JainaProudmooreAggro02 -I hate using violence.

JainaProudmooreGreeting01 -Welcome to Theramore.Have you come to help the Alliance?

JainaProudmooreGreeting02 -All I ever wanted was to study.

JainaProudmooreGreeting03 -Shh~I'm trying to think here.



JammalanTheProphet6TrollsDead01 -The shield be down.Rise up atalai,rise up!

JammalanTheProphetAggro01 -The soul-flayer comes(不是很確定)

JammalanTheProphetCharm01 -Join us!

JammalanTheProphetHealth01 -Hakkar shall live again!

JammalanTheProphetSlay01 -*大笑*

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