當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲盒子 - 用英語介紹咬蘋果怎麽玩


咬蘋果 Bite the Apple

Bite the Apple is a game for Halloween. 咬蘋果是萬聖節的遊戲。

First get a big tub and fill it with water. 首先準備壹個大盆,裝滿水。

Then choose small apples, bite size, wash them and put them in the water. 然後挑選小蘋果,壹口咬住的大小,洗幹凈,放進水裏。

Game starts and players have to get the apples by biting without hands. 遊戲開始,選手們必須用咬的得到蘋果,不能用手。

Who get a apple first will be the winner. 誰第壹個得到蘋果就是贏家。

不給糖就搗蛋 Trick or Treat

People think ghost and spirit will come and visit on Halloween. 人們認為在萬聖節,鬼怪和精靈會來拜訪。

So everyone dresses up and every family prepares sugar and food. 所以每個人都打扮起來,每戶家庭都準備好糖果和食物。

Children also dress up. Some play white ghosts, some play witches, some play monsters and some play black cats. 孩子們也打扮起來。有的扮演白色的幽靈,有的扮演女巫,有的扮演怪物,還有的扮演黑貓。

On Halloween evening, children go around with friends carrying pumpkin lights. 在萬聖節傍晚,孩子們和朋友壹起,拿著南瓜燈在附近繞。

Before each door, they knock and say "Trick or treat". 在每壹扇門前,他們敲門,說“不給糖就搗蛋”。

It means you have to treat the little spirits with sugar and food or they will play tricks on you. 意思是妳得用糖果和食物招待這些小精靈,不然他們就給妳搗蛋。

It gives the children a wonderful time. 這讓孩子們玩得很開心。



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