當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲盒子 - scream的歌詞翻譯




Tired of injustice 受夠了不公正

Tired of the schemes 受夠了陰謀詭計

The lies are disgusted 謊話好惡心!

So what does it mean 這都是什麽意思?

Damn it 尼瑪!

Kicking me down 擊倒我

I got to get up 我會爬起來

As jacked as it sounds 聽起來就像我被他們劫持了壹樣!

The whole system sucks 整件事都讓我惡心得想吐!

Damn it 可惡!


Peek in the shadow 躲在暗處偷窺的混蛋

Come into the light 做人應正大光明!

You tell me I'm wrong 妳說我是錯的

Then you better prove you're right 那妳最好證明妳是對的

You're selling out souls but 妳們壹直出賣靈魂

I care about mine 可我在乎自己的(人格)

I've got to get stronger 我會更加強大

And I won't give up the fight 而且我不會妥協認輸!


With such confusions 是非如此混淆!

Don't it make you wanna scream 難道這些不想讓妳怒吼嗎?

Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme 妳們用盡陰招 狠毒詆毀 讓我受害


You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 妳們壹邊瞎編亂造 壹邊試圖應付他人審查


Somebody please have mercy 某些人請厚道壹點

'Cause I just can't take it 因為我真的受不了妳!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Just stop pressurin' me 請別再逼我!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Make me wanna scream 讓我想怒吼!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Just stop pressuring me 請別再逼我!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Make you just wanna scream 讓我想怒吼!


Tired of you telling the story your way 受不了妳們自編自導的故事

It's causing confusion 它讓是非混淆

You think it's okay 妳們卻認為它合情合理

Damn it可惡!


Keep changing the rules 壹直改變(是非曲直)的標準

While you're playing the game 同時玩顛倒黑白的遊戲

I can't take it much longer 我再也受不了這些!

I think I might go insane 我想我快精神失常了!


With such confusion 如此顛倒是非黑白!

Don't it make you wanna scream 難道這些不想讓妳怒吼嗎?

Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme 妳們用盡陰招 狠毒詆毀 讓我受害


You find your pleasure scandalizing every lie 編瞎話詆毀他人 發現是妳們的樂趣!


Oh father, please have mercy 噢 老天爺 !請發發慈悲

'CauseI just can't take it 因為我受不了這些!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Just stop pressuring me 請別再逼我!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我

Make me wanna scream 讓我想要尖叫!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Just stop pressuring me 請別再逼我!

Stop Fucking with me 少來搞我!

Make you just wanna scream 讓我想要尖叫!


Oh my God, can't believe what I saw “哦,上帝,簡直不敢相信我看到聽到的!

As I turned on the TV this evening 當我今晚打開電視

I was disgusted by all the injustice 我對壹切不公感到厭惡極了!

All the injustice” 壹切的不公”!


All the injustice “壹切的不公”!

(News Man) (新聞主播)

A man has been brutally beaten to death by “壹名男子由於

Police after being wrongly identified as a 被警察誤認為是

robbery suspect. The man was 壹個搶劫疑犯而被粗暴毆打致死。

an 18 year old black male... 該名男子是壹位18歲的黑人”


With such collusions 如此混淆是非黑白!

Don't it make you wanna scream 難道這些不想讓妳怒吼嗎?

Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme 妳們用盡陰招 狠毒詆毀 讓我受害


You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 妳們壹邊瞎編亂造 壹邊試圖應付他人審查


Oh brother please have mercy 噢!哥們兒!請厚道壹點!

'Cause I just can't take it 因為我受不了這些!

Stop pressuring me 別再逼我!

Just stop pressuring me 請別再逼我!

Stop pressuring me 別再再逼我!

Make me wanna scream 讓我想要怒吼!

(Repeat 6 times) (重復六次)

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