當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 遊戲盒子 - 英文招聘廣告範文3篇帶翻譯是什麽?


Expressways Resin is a growing international plastics and rubber distribution business that is part of a pan-Asian network of sister companies. We are the leading thermoplastic raw material distributor in Asia, and our customers and suppliers represent China’s leading blue chip manufacturers. We are an owned subsidiary of Taiwan Plastics Company, Inc.

Expressways Resin為壹快速成長中的國際塑膠暨橡膠批發公司,在泛亞網絡中尚 有許多姐妹公司。我們是亞洲的熱塑性原料領導者,客戶和供應商亦為中國頂尖的藍籌股制造業者,而且是臺灣塑膠公司的子公司。

We have positions available in both our sales and logistics departments. We seek ambitious,team-orientated, university graduates to join a dynamic, growing company. Successful candidates will need to have a business degree, be interested in technical sales, and have some sales and marketing experience. Interest in-or past experience with- inventory management is a plus.

我們的業務部和物流部均有空缺,征求有上進心、喜歡團隊工作的畢業生加入我 們充滿活力、不斷成長的公司。應征者需具備商學學位、對技術性業務有興趣,有售貨和行銷的經驗而且對庫存管理也有經驗和興趣。

We desire applicants who are motivated by the challenge of constantly learning new skills in all aspects of the business, and who are excited by opportunities for career development.Our compensation package is among the best in the industry and reflects our commitment to nurturing talent.


Successful candidates will undergo an individual training and development program, personalized to reflect his or her needs. These programs are designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the position. Training and development needs will be discussed at regular reviews.


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