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妳們那些連勇闖奪命島 都沒有




演員-肖恩·康納利 Sean Connery

好萊塢上的臺伯河 Hollywood sul Tevere (2009) .....Himself (archive footage)

獸醫比利爵士 Sir Billi the Vet (2006) .....Sir Billi (voice)

第76屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) .....Himself - making opening announcement

101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) .....Himself - #65: Things They Shouldn't Say (archive footage)

天降奇兵 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) .....Allan Quatermain

奇幻兵團LXG / LXG紳士盟 / 紳士大聯盟 / 特別紳士聯盟 / 非凡紳士聯盟

Liga der au?ergew?hnlichen Gentlemen, Die


皇後樂隊video精選2 Queen: Greatest Video Hits 2 (2003) .....Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (segment "Princes of the Universe") (archive footage)

第75屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) .....Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Supporting Role/Past winner

Sex at 24 Frames Per Second (2003) .....Himself (archive footage)

Playboy Presents Sex at 24 Frames Per Second: The Ultimate Journey Through Sex in Cinema

尋找佛羅斯特 Finding Forrester (2000) .....William Forrester

心靈訪客 / 隔窗友緣

偷天陷阱 Entrapment (1999) .....Robert MacDougal


Untitled Antoine Fuqua Project

Verlockende Falle

公費旅遊的娼妓 Junket Whore (1998) .....Himself

復仇者 The Avengers (1998) .....Sir August de Wynter

世紀特工 / 雌雄神探

隨心所欲 Playing by Heart (1998) .....Paul

從心所愛 / 用心演繹

Dancing About Architecture

If They Only Knew

第70屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) .....Himself - Presenter: Best Picture/Past Winner (uncredited)

勇闖奪命島 The Rock (1996) .....John Patrick Mason

石破天驚 / 絕地任務

龍之心 Dragonheart (1996) .....Draco (voice)

魔龍傳奇 / 魔幻屠龍 / 屠龍記

黑獄大平反 Just Cause (1995) .....Paul Armstrong

正當防衛 / 致命陷井

阿拉伯騎士 Arabian Knight (1995) .....Tack the Cobbler (voice)

Princess and the Cobbler

The Thief and the Cobbler

劍俠風流 First Knight (1995) .....King Arthur

第壹武士 / 第壹騎士 / 劍俠柔情

天生大英雄 A Good Man in Africa (1994) .....Dr. Alex Murray

旭日追兇 Rising Sun (1993) .....Capt. John Connor

旭日東升 / 升起的太陽 / 上升的太陽

不朽的傳奇:追憶奧黛麗赫本 Audrey Hepburn Remembered (1993) .....Robin Hood (archive footage)

T?htilegenda - Audrey Hepburn

飛越綠林 Medicine Man (1992) .....Dr. Robert Campbell

燃燒的天堂 / 藥劑師

The Last Days of Eden

挑戰者2:天幕之戰 Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) .....Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez

時空奇兵 2

Highlander II: The Renegade Version

Highlander - Le retour

俠盜羅賓漢 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) .....King Richard (uncredited)

俠盜王子羅賓漢 / 大盜羅賓漢 / 羅賓漢:俠盜王子 / 奇雲高士拿之俠盜羅賓漢

Robin Hood - K?nig der Diebe

Robin des bois: Prince des voleurs

獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt for Red October (1990) .....Captain Marko Ramius

追擊赤色十月 / 追蹤“紅色十月” / 追擊紅色十月號 / 獵殺紅十月

la poursuite d'Octobre Rouge

Jagd auf 'Roter Oktober'

俄羅斯之家 The Russia House (1990) .....Bartholomew 'Barley' Scott Blair

俄羅斯大廈 / 紅場諜戀

聖戰奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) .....Professor Henry Jones

印第安那瓊斯和最後的十字軍 / 印第安那瓊斯和聖杯 / 奪寶奇兵3之聖戰奇兵

Indiana Jones et la dernière croisade

Indiana Jones och det sista korst?get

家庭生意 Family Business (1989) .....Jessie McMullen

家族生意 / 家庭事務

第61屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 61st Annual Academy Awards (1989) .....Himself - Co-presenter: Best Supporting Actor

普西迪基地 The Presidio (1988) .....Lt. Col. Alan Caldwell

龍虎先鋒 / 流放

The Presidio: The Scene of the Crime

第60屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮 The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) .....Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Supporting Role & Presenter: Best Visual Effects

午夜逃亡 Midnight Run (1988) .....Himself

父子戰爭 / 我的回憶

Memories of Me

鐵面無私 The Untouchables (1987) .....Jim Malone

義膽雄心 / 不可觸犯

Intocables, Los

Incorruptibles, Les

玫瑰之名 Der Name der Rose (1986) .....William of Baskerville

魔宮傳奇,玫瑰的名字 / 薔薇的記號 / 魔宮傳奇 / 玫瑰的名字

Name der Rose, Der

Nom de la rose, Le

挑戰者 Highlander (1986) .....Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez

巡弋飛彈 Never Say Never Again (1983) .....James Bond


James Bond 007 - Sag niemals nie


五日壹夏天 Five Days One Summer (1982) .....Douglas Meredith

是非錯對 Wrong Is Right (1982) .....Patrick Hale


The Man with the Deadly Lens

九宵雲外 Outland (1981) .....O'Niel

天外天 / 異鄉 / 外面的世界


時間劫匪 Time Bandits (1981) .....King Agamemnon/Fireman


地球浩劫 Meteor (1979) .....Dr. Paul Bradley



泣血古巴 Cuba (1979) .....Maj. Robert Dapes


火車大劫案 The First Great Train Robbery (1979) .....Edward Pierce/John Simms/Geoffrey

金剛大盜 / 黃金列車大劫案

The Great Train Robbery

遙遠的橋 A Bridge Too Far (1977) .....Maj. Gen. Roy Urquhart

奪橋遺恨 / 英雄冢 / 鷹掠戰士

下壹個目標 The Next Man (1976) .....Khalil Abdul-Muhsen

Double Hit

The Arab Conspiracy

羅賓漢與瑪莉安 Robin and Marian (1976) .....Robin Hood

The Death of Robin

The Return of Robin Hood

霸王錢金剛 The Man Who Would Be King (1975) .....Daniel Dravot

王者 / 霸王鐵金剛

Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King

黑獅震雄風 The Wind and the Lion (1975) .....Mulay Achmed Mohammed el-Raisuli the Magnificent


恐怖分子 Ransom (1975) .....Nils Tahlvik

The Terrorists

東方快車謀殺案 Murder on the Orient Express (1974) .....阿伯斯諾上校


Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express

Mord im Orient Express

薩杜斯 Zardoz (1974) .....Zed


Tas tanri Zardoz

突擊者 The Offence (1973) .....Detective Sergeant Johnson


Something Like the Truth

The Offense

金剛鉆 Diamonds Are Forever (1971) .....James Bond

永遠的鉆石 / 007鐵金剛勇破鉆石黨

Ian Fleming's Diamonds Are Forever

007 - Os Diamantes S?o Eternos

大盜鐵金剛 The Anderson Tapes (1971) .....John Anderson


紅帳篷 Krasnaya palatka (1971) .....Roald Amundsen


Tenda rossa, La

The Red Tent

莫莉馬貴 The Molly Maguires (1970) .....Jack Kehoe

沙拉克 Shalako (1968) .....Moses Zebulon 'Shalako' Carlin

Man nennt mich Shalako

雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice (1967) .....James Bond

007鐵金剛勇破火箭嶺 / 妳只能活兩次 / 007系列之雷霆谷

Ian Fleming's You Only Live Twice

On ne vit que deux fois

新世界 Un monde nouveau (1966) .....Himself (uncredited)

A New World

A Young World

脂粉金剛 A Fine Madness (1966) .....Samson Shillitoe

Altid i st?det

Ihana hulluus

雷霆萬鈞 Thunderball (1965) .....James Bond

霹靂彈 / 007鐵金剛勇戰魔鬼黨

Ian Fleming's Thunderball

Opération Tonnerre

山丘 The Hill (1965) .....Trooper Joe Roberts

金手指 Goldfinger (1964) .....James Bond

007鐵金剛大戰金手指 / 007情報員3:金手指 / 007之金手指

Ian Fleming's Goldfinger

007 - Contra Goldfinger

艷賊 Marnie (1964) .....Mark Rutland

瑪爾尼 / 神秘賊美人

來自俄羅斯的愛情 From Russia with Love (1963) .....James Bond

第七號情報員2 / 007鐵金剛勇破間諜網

Ian Fleming's 'From Russia with Love'

Bons baisers de Russie

諾博士 Dr. No (1962) .....James Bond

第七號情報員 / 鐵金剛勇破神秘島 / 007之諾博士

Doctor No

Ian Fleming's Dr. No

最長的壹日 The Longest Day (1962) .....Pvt. Flanagan

碧血長天 / 最長的壹天

L?ngsta dagen, Den

L?ngste Tag, Der

斯那夫計劃 On the Fiddle (1961) .....Pedlar Pascoe

A 077, dalla Francia senza amore

Kaikkien aikojen agentti

夢遊小人國 Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) .....Michael McBride

The Little People

春夢留痕 Another Time, Another Place (1958) .....Mark Trevor


地獄司機 Hell Drivers (1957) .....Johnny Kates

Hard Drivers

春日紫丁香 Lilacs in the Spring (1954) .....Undetermined Role (uncredited)

Blixtrande k?r

Dr?mmenes melodi

制作人-肖恩·康納利 Sean Connery

天降奇兵 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) .....executive producer

奇幻兵團LXG / LXG紳士盟 / 紳士大聯盟 / 特別紳士聯盟 / 非凡紳士聯盟

Liga der au?ergew?hnlichen Gentlemen, Die


尋找佛羅斯特 Finding Forrester (2000) .....producer

心靈訪客 / 隔窗友緣

偷天陷阱 Entrapment (1999) .....producer


Untitled Antoine Fuqua Project

Verlockende Falle

勇闖奪命島 The Rock (1996) .....executive producer

石破天驚 / 絕地任務

黑獄大平反 Just Cause (1995) .....executive producer

正當防衛 / 致命陷井

旭日追兇 Rising Sun (1993) .....executive producer

旭日東升 / 升起的太陽 / 上升的太陽

飛越綠林 Medicine Man (1992) .....executive producer

燃燒的天堂 / 藥劑師

The Last Days of Eden

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