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A wonderful world

I hope the world is more peaceful. Although the human race has entered the 21st century, there is no recurrence of the world such as World War II large-scale, large-scale war, but local wars and conflicts still exists. The war in Afghanistan, the Iraq war, which was launched by the United States and other countries of the unjust war is not one of peace factors. The purpose of the United States is to seize Iraq's rich oil resources and major strategic location, is a reflection of American hegemony, the United States such a selfish act to bring the Iraqi people is not good, but the disadvantages. Now, Iraq will be an explosion incidents every day, and many civilians killed, while U.S. troops are those abuses, the killing of innocent civilians, abuse of prison inmates; for the people of Iraq have brought heavy damage and loss of national suffering. We must resolutely oppose the name of the United States that act as "world police" rogue around this behavior. Should also reflect on how to make China more prosperous, people's lives happier. Prevention of the United States as the world's only superpower and affect the world peace and development. I also hope that the world is not poor, hungry people, the children played all science, no longer did people eat, this is the issue of poverty eradication, the theme of "development." If only world peace without development, it still is not a better world. The world's poorest continent - Africa, every day hundreds of children were starving to death, was infected with a variety of diseases can not treat. But the other side of the world - the United States. People have to worry about obesity, but still eat a variety of high-calorie daily food intake of calories Americans, Africans a day several times. This reflects the development of the world is how uneven the rich getting richer, the poor poorer, not a subsistence world, happiness in the world. To hope that a better world, from our start. Not to waste food, do not waste water, so that a green "small citizens", but also gave a power of our planet, we are the future builders, make efforts to learn, so that society more harmonious, more beautiful environment the world is more beautiful! I believe! 我更希望,世界沒有貧困,饑餓的人們,孩子們都能上起學,不再有沒飯吃的人,這就是消除貧困的問題,主題是“發展”。要是只有和平而不發展的話世界仍然不是壹個美好的世界。在世界上最貧困的大洲——非洲,每天都有數以百計的兒童被餓死,被感染上各種各樣的疾病而沒法救治。但是在世界的另壹邊——美國。人們卻為肥胖而發愁,但每天仍然吃各種高卡路裏的食物,美國人壹天攝取的熱量是非洲人的好幾倍。這就體現出世界的發展是多麽的不均衡,富的越富,窮的越窮,這個世界不是壹個溫飽,幸福是世界。 要希望世界更美好,要從我們做起。不浪費糧食,不浪費水電,做到壹個環保的“小公民”,也為我們地球獻出壹份力,我們是祖國未來的建設者,要更努力地學習,讓社會更加和諧,環境更加美麗,世界更加美好!我相信!

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