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1.很好的 2.還不錯的










OK 1或 O.K. 或 o.kay

AHD:[½-k³“] 非正式用語




復數 OK's 或 O.K.'s 或 o.kays

Approval; agreement:


got her supervisor's OK before taking a day off.



OK'd 或 O.K.'d 或 o.kayed OK'ing 或 O.K.'ing 或 o.kay.ing OK's 或 O.K.'s 或 o.kays

To approve of or agree to; authorize.



Used to express approval or agreement.


Abbreviation of oll korrect

oll korrect的縮寫

slang respelling of all correct

all correct的俚語重新拼寫




Although we use this word hundreds of times a week whether things are OK or not,we have probably rarely wondered about its history.That history is in fact a brief one,the word being first recorded in 1839,though it was no doubt in circulation before then.Much scholarship has been expended on the origins ofOK,but Allen Walker Read has conclusively proved thatOK is based on a sort of joke. Someone pronounced the phraseall correct as oll (or orl ) correct,and the same person or someone else spelled itoll korrect,which abbreviated gives usOK. This term gained wide currency by being used as a political slogan by the 1840 Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren,who was nicknamedOld Kinderhook because he was born in Kinderhook,of the same year,referring to the receipt of a pin with the sloganO.K.,had this comment: “frightful letters . . . significant of the birth-place of Martin Van Buren,old Kinderhook,as also the rallying word of the Democracy of the late election,‘all correct’ . . . Those who wear them should bear in mind that it will require their most strenuous exertions . . . to make all things O.K.”

雖然我們壹星期都要使用這個詞達上百次來表示事情狀況的行或不行,但我們可能很少有人去探究這個詞的歷史。但艾倫·沃克·裏德最終證實OK 是出自壹個什麽笑話。有人把all correct 這個詞組發音成、這壹名詞術語被1804年的民主黨總統候選人馬丁·凡·布倫作為政治宣傳口號而得到廣泛運用。馬丁的綽號是老金德胡克 , 因為他出生於紐約州的金德胡克。


OK 2





Important derivatives are: eye,daisy,window,eyelet,ocular,inoculate,monocle,myopia,autopsy,synopsis,optic,optometry


To see.


eye ; daisy,from Old English ¶e,eye;

eye ; daisy,源自 古英語 ¶e,眼睛;

walleyed,window,from Old Norse auga,eye;

walleyed,window,源自 古斯堪的納維亞語 auga,眼睛,視覺;

ogle,from Low German oog,oge,eye. a,b,and c all from Germanic *aug½- (with taboo deformation).

ogle,源自 低地德語 oog,oge,眼睛. a,b,和 c 都源自 日耳曼語 *aug½- (和破壞禁忌).

Suffixed form*ok w-olo- .

添加後綴的形式*ok w-olo- .

eyelet,ocellus,ocular,oculist,ullage ; inoculate,monocle,oculomotor,pinochle,from Latin oculus,eye;

eyelet,ocellus,ocular,oculist,ullage ; inoculate,monocle,oculomotor,pinochle,源自 拉丁語 oculus,眼睛;

inveigle,from French aveugle,blind,from Gallo-Latin compound *ab-oculus,blind,modeled on Gaulish ex-ops,blind.

inveigle,源自 法語 aveugle,盲人,源自 法國拉丁語 復合詞 *ab-oculus,盲目的,模仿 高盧語ex-ops,瞎的.

Form*ok w-s . metopic,myopia,nyctalopia,Pelops,phlogopite,pyrope,triceratops,from Greek ½s,eye (and stem *op-,to see).

形式*ok w-s . metopic,myopia,nyctalopia,Pelops,phlogopite,pyrope,triceratops,源自 希臘語 ½s,眼睛 (和字幹 *op-,看見).

Suffixed form*ok w-ti- . ( opsin ),-opsis,-opsy ; autopsy,( iodopsin ),( rhodopsin ),synopsis,from Greek opsis,sight,appearance.

添加後綴的形式*ok w-ti- . ( opsin ),-opsis,-opsy ; autopsy,( iodopsin ),( rhodopsin ),synopsis,源自 希臘語 opsis,景觀,外表.

Suffixed form*ok w-to- . optic ; diopter,optometry,panoptic,from Greek optos,seen,visible.

添加後綴的形式*ok w-to- . optic ; diopter,optometry,panoptic,源自 希臘語 optos,看到,看得見的.

Suffixed form*ok w-³ . metope,from Greek op¶},opening.

添加後綴的形式*ok w-³ . metope,源自 希臘語 op¶},開口.

Suffixed form*ok w-mö . ommatidium,ommatophore,from Greek omma (N *opma ),eye.

添加後綴的形式*ok w-mö . ommatidium,ommatophore,源自 希臘語 omma (N *opma ),眼睛.

Suffixed form*ok w-tro- . catoptric,from Greek katoptron,“back-looker,” mirror ( kata-,down,back; see kat- ).

添加後綴的形式*ok w-tro- . catoptric,源自 希臘語 katoptron,“可以看後背的物體,” 鏡子 ( kata-,向下的,向後的; 參見 kat-).

ophthalmo- ; exophthalmos,from Greek ophthalmos,eye (with taboo deformation).

ophthalmo- ; exophthalmos,源自 希臘語 ophthalmos,註意 (不再註意禁忌).

Zero-grade form*…k w- (of oldest full-grade form *…k w- ).

零級形式*…k w- ( *…k w- 的最古老的全級形式).

(seeant- ) Latin antºs,“appearing before,having prior aspect,” former ( *anti-,before);

(參見ant-) 拉丁語 antºs,“在…之前出現,有較早的因素,” 從前的,前者的 *anti-,在…之前;

(see³ter- ) Latin á½x},“black-looking,” frightful ( *atro-,black);

(參見³ter-) 拉丁語 á½x},“面色陰沈的,” 可怕的( *atro-,暗淡的);

(seeghwer- ) fer½x,“wild-looking,” fierce ( *ghwero-,wild).

(參見ghwer-) fer½x,“面相野蠻的,” 兇殘的 ( *ghwero-,野蠻的).

Pokornyok ø}- 775.

波科爾尼ok ø}- 775.


OK 1or O.K. or o.kay

AHD:[½-k³“] Informal




pl. OK's or O.K.'s or o.kays

Approval; agreement:

got her supervisor's OK before taking a day off.

OK'd or O.K.'d or o.kayed OK'ing or O.K.'ing or o.kay.ing OK's or O.K.'s or o.kays

To approve of or agree to; authorize.


Used to express approval or agreement.

Abbreviation of oll korrect

slang respelling of all correct




Although we use this word hundreds of times a week whether things are OK or not,we have probably rarely wondered about its history.That history is in fact a brief one,the word being first recorded in 1839,though it was no doubt in circulation before then.Much scholarship has been expended on the origins ofOK,but Allen Walker Read has conclusively proved thatOK is based on a sort of joke. Someone pronounced the phraseall correct as oll (or orl ) correct,and the same person or someone else spelled itoll korrect,which abbreviated gives usOK. This term gained wide currency by being used as a political slogan by the 1840 Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren,who was nicknamedOld Kinderhook because he was born in Kinderhook,New editorial of the same year,referring to the receipt of a pin with the sloganO.K.,had this comment: “frightful letters . . . significant of the birth-place of Martin Van Buren,old Kinderhook,as also the rallying word of the Democracy of the late election,‘all correct’ . . . Those who wear them should bear in mind that it will require their most strenuous exertions . . . to make all things O.K.”


OK 2




Important derivatives are: eye,daisy,window,eyelet,ocular,inoculate,monocle,myopia,autopsy,synopsis,optic,optometry

To see.

eye ; daisy,from Old English ¶e,eye;

walleyed,window,from Old Norse auga,eye;

ogle,from Low German oog,oge,eye. a,b,and c all from Germanic *aug½- (with taboo deformation).

Suffixed form*ok w-olo- .

eyelet,ocellus,ocular,oculist,ullage ; inoculate,monocle,oculomotor,pinochle,from Latin oculus,eye;

inveigle,from French aveugle,blind,from Gallo-Latin compound *ab-oculus,blind,modeled on Gaulish ex-ops,blind.

Form*ok w-s . metopic,myopia,nyctalopia,Pelops,phlogopite,pyrope,triceratops,from Greek ½s,eye (and stem *op-,to see).

Suffixed form*ok w-ti- . ( opsin ),-opsis,-opsy ; autopsy,( iodopsin ),( rhodopsin ),synopsis,from Greek opsis,sight,appearance.

Suffixed form*ok w-to- . optic ; diopter,optometry,panoptic,from Greek optos,seen,visible.

Suffixed form*ok w-³ . metope,from Greek op¶},opening.

Suffixed form*ok w-mö . ommatidium,ommatophore,from Greek omma (N *opma ),eye.

Suffixed form*ok w-tro- . catoptric,from Greek katoptron,“back-looker,” mirror ( kata-,down,back; see kat- ).

ophthalmo- ; exophthalmos,from Greek ophthalmos,eye (with taboo deformation).

Zero-grade form*…k w- (of oldest full-grade form *…k w- ).

(seeant- ) Latin antºs,“appearing before,having prior aspect,” former ( *anti-,before);

(see³ter- ) Latin á½x},“black-looking,” frightful ( *atro-,black);

(seeghwer- ) fer½x,“wild-looking,” fierce ( *ghwero-,wild).

Pokornyok ø}- 775.

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