當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 網路行銷 - 黃敏學的學術科研


(壹)近期主要著作  《網絡口碑的形成、傳播與影響機制研究》,合著(第壹),武漢大學出版社(學術叢書),2011/1  《電子商務(第三版)》,主編,高等教育出版社,2007/11  《網絡營銷(第二版)》,主編,武漢大學出版社,2007/09  《電子商務(第二版)》,主編,高等教育出版社,2004/12  《企業電子商務》,主編,武漢大學出版社,2002/12  《電子虛擬市場的演進與交易模式》,獨著,武漢大學出版社,2002/1  《網絡營銷基礎》,編著(第壹作者),機械工業出版社,2001/7 《電子商務》,主編,高等教育出版社,2001/6  《網絡經濟與網絡營銷》,合編,中央廣播電視大學,2001/3  《網絡營銷》,獨著,武漢大學出版社,2000/6

(二)近五年國內期刊發表論文  馮小亮&黃敏學&張音(2013).矛盾消費者的態度更容易受外界影響嗎——不同態度成份的變化差異性研究,南開管理評論,第1期 .92-101(CSSCI)  王峰&黃敏學(2012).基於有限狀態自動機的新產品市場成長研究,管理科學學報.第7期.26-35(CSSCI)  李新建&吳春梅&黃敏學&李崇光&李小玲(2011).基於顧客信任的網絡商店顯示價格對比性信息的策略研究,中國管理科學.第5期.124-130 (CSSCI)  黃敏學&謝亭亭&馮小亮(2010).矛盾的消費者是如何解讀多元化口碑信息的?.心理學報.第10期.998-1100 (CSSCI)  朱華偉&黃敏學&符國群(2010).價格促銷為何只能帶來人氣而沒有買氣?.經濟管理.第1期.86-91(CSSCI)  黃敏學&才鳳艷&周元元&朱華偉(2009).關系範式對消費者抱怨意願及潛在動機的影響模型.心理學報.第10期.989-999(CSSCI)  黃敏學&李小玲&朱華偉(2008). 企業被“逼捐”現象的剖析:是大眾“無理”還是企業“無良”?. 管理世界.第10期. 115-126(CSSCI)  黃敏學&周學春(2012). 顧客教育、就緒和參與研究:以基金為例.管理科學.第7期.  李新建&黃敏學&李小玲(2012).營銷渠道如何“無為而治”:渠道政策的制度化機制研究,第4期.1-17(CSSCI)  張音&黃敏學(2012).產品召回為何“弄巧成拙”.經濟與管理研究.第4期.96-105(CSSCI)  王長征&周學春&黃敏學(2012)“求同”與“存異”:面子如何抑制或促進消費者的獨特性需求,第4期.18-34(CSSCI)  張音&黃敏學(2012). 企業產品召回的多視角研究述評.經濟縱橫.第4期.121-124(CSSCI)  朱華偉&黃敏學(2012).高瞻遠矚導致自控還是沖動:自我建構與沖動購買.第3期. 45-62(CSSCI)  黃敏學&王巖&姜書琴(2011).基於互聯網的病毒式人際信息傳播機制.珞珈管理評論.第1期.105-116  黃敏學&馮小亮&謝亭亭(2010). 消費者態度的新認知:二元化的矛盾態度.心理科學進展.第6期. 987-996(CSSCI)  黃敏學&王殿文(2010).從客戶關系管理到客戶圈子管理.企業管理.第6期.98-100  黃敏學&馮小亮&王峰&蔡融(2010).不滿意消費者的網絡負面口碑機制研究.武漢大學學報(哲學科學版).第3期.138-146(CSSCI)  黃敏學.李蔓(2010). 品牌流失者的差異化管理.企業管理,第2期.90-92  黃敏學&王峰&謝亭亭(2010). 口碑傳播研究綜述及其在網絡環境下的研究初探.管理學報.第1期.138-146 (CSSCI)  黃敏學&李小玲&潘黎(2008). 銷售經理與銷售人員的溝通質量對工作績效的影響.武漢大學學報(哲學社科版).第6期.862-867(CSSCI)  黃敏學&謝亭亭&董孝鵬(2008). 網絡環境下消費者口傳動機的研究綜述.武漢大學學報(人文社科版).第4期.152-156

(三)近期國際檢索論文(SSCI:5/ABI: 1)

Fang, Eric., Xiaoling Li,Minxue Huang(2015). Direct and Indirect Effects of Buyers and Sellers on Search Advertising Revenues in Business-to-Business Electronic Platforms. Journal of Marketing Research(SSCI,營銷國際權威期刊)

Wang,Feng,Minxue Huang,Zhigang Shou(2015).Business expansion and firm efficiency in the commercial banking industry: Evidence from the U.S. and China.Asia Pacific Journal of Management(Forthcoming,SSCI)

Zhou,Yuanyuan&Minxue Huang&Alex Tsang&Nan Zhou(2013). “Recovery strategy for group service failures: the interaction effects between recovery modes and recovery dimensions”, European Journal of Marketing,, 47(8):1133 - 56  Wang,Rui &Xiaoling Li & Minxue Huang(2012). Channel Management through Selective Announcement of Reward and Punishment Decisions,Journal of Business-Business Marketing,19(2):129- 146 (SSCI) Huang, Minxue&Fengyan Cai& Alex Tsang& Nan Zhou (2011). Making Your Online Voice Loud:The Critical Role of Resender and WOM Information,European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8):1277 - 97 (SSCI).  Huang, Minxue and Alex Tsang (2010). “Development and Current Issues Related to Internet Marketing Communications in China”, Journal of Interactive Advertising,11(1) (ABI)  Huang,Minxue&Huawei Zhu&Xuechun Zhou. Can E-Tailers Benefit from Providing More Information?, Online Information Review (SSCI, forthcoming)  Zhou,Yuanyuan,Alex S.L. Tsang, Minxue Huang, Nan Zhou. Does delaying service-failure resolution ever make sense?. Journal of Business Research (SSCI, forthcoming)

(四)近期國際重要會議論文(EI: 12/ISTP/ISSHP: 9/ABI: 1)  劉茂紅&黃敏學(2009). The Optimal Pricing Model of Commission of China Futures Exchange.: Competition-oriented or Cost-oriented. ICIM 2009.12 (EI)  李新建&黃敏學&李小玲(2009).Consumer Information Search Behavior with Time Tolerance. EMS 2009.10 (EI)  葉柯&朱華偉&黃敏學(2008).Can ETailers benefit from providing rich information?” Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12 (EI)  黃學松&劉茂紅&黃敏學(2008). People as transmitters: What makes An online marketing message contagious? Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12 (EI)  朱華偉&周元元&黃敏學(2008).Do Consumes always keep Silence in the Internet Era When Dissatisfied? EMS 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)  黃敏學&王峰(2008). Using Online WOM to Forecast Box Office for Movies Coming Soon. WiCOM 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)  才鳳艷&黃敏學(2007).Consumer as monitor: the role of relationship norm in consumers' complaint intention.2007 Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2007.10(美國消費者研究學會年會 入選工作論文)  黃敏學&朱華偉&劉茂紅(2007).Why Do Chinese Users Use Pirated Software: An Integrative Perspective? EMS2007 Proceedings,2007.9(EI)  黃敏學&李小玲(2007).Service Quality in Web 2.0 Electronic Commerce:An Integrative Perspective from Typical Service and Technique Adoption. ISM2007 Proceedings, 2007.7 (EI)  朱華偉&黃敏學(2009).Customer Attitudes toward Credit Card in an Emerging Market. WHICEB 2008. (ISTP/ISSHP)  劉茂紅.謝亭亭.黃敏學(2008).How to Improve Software Development? A Perspective from Customers' Perceived Quality. WHICEB 2008.( ISTP/ISSHP)  徐珊珊&黃敏學(2007). Does Negative Online Word-of-Mouth Influence Consumer Negatively? WHICEB 2007. (ISTP/ISSHP)  黃敏學&梅澎&張寧(2006).How Web Contents Influence Price Sensitivity of Online Consumers for Different Tangible Products. WHICEB 2006.( ISTP/ISSHP)  廖以臣&黃敏學(2006).What are motivations of experiential tour? A study based on on-line. WHICEB 2006. (ISTP/ISSHP)  黃敏學&黃勇&曹火平(2005). How Personal Skill and Challenge of Websites Affecting Online Behaviors on Information-Oriented and Trade-Oriented Websites. WHICEB 2005. (ISTP/ISSHP)  才鳳艷&黃敏學(2005).How the Characters of Online Messages Influencing on Buying Behaviors of the Members in the Online Community. WHICEB 2005(.ISTP/ISSHP)  黃敏學&肖莉(2004).How Interactivity and Vividness Influence the Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising under Different Product Types. WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)  朱華偉&黃敏學&馬菁(2004).Effects of Functional Factors and Symbolic Factors on Online Brand. WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)

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