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Network Marketing

(1) network the consumer's attention

Products in the information explosion and information-rich society, the wine is also deeply afraid of the alley, how to seize the attention of the consumer Internet business that scarce resources will become essential to the success of network marketing. Determined in the target market, network marketing managers should be the first to consider ways and means to quickly seize the attention of target customers. Network economy is a typical attention economy. Computer networks in the information-based society, the vast variety of information on the person, the information is no longer a scarce resource, but the relative excess of scarce resources are people's attention. Therefore, at present, web-based new economy, and its essence is the attention economy. In this form of society, the most important resources are not monetary capital on the traditional sense, nor is the information itself, but the attention, the attention of the virtual economy are the hard currency.

(B) information

To manage a business well, we must manage its future; and future is the management of information management. Time information in the network, diversity of consumer demand, the trend of personalized increasing competition among sellers will be an unprecedented fierce, and only those who master the lightning-speed information marketing environment, understand the development of consumer demand and competition trends, find out the opponents weaknesses, and as fast as possible into the business or occupation of the market in order to achieve the competitive advantages of network marketing. Therefore, network marketing want to further improve planning and make full use of corporate marketing information system, based on the use of electronic information quickly and efficiently deal with technology, customers, competitors and other environmental factors for rapid, accurate and comprehensive analysis of marketing programs for network formulation to provide a scientific basis.

(C) soft-marketing

Because of the Internet with information sharing, exchange of low-cost, fast delivery and so on; on the one hand, the formation of online freedom of information, on the other hand, the spread of information provided for the convenience. This decision on the enterprise network to provide information to their customers, it is important to follow the netiquette. Therefore, network marketing is really a soft market. Soft sales are compared with the industrialized mass production in terms of time of strong marketing. Strong marketing ads are often bombarded with constant grinding and die hard bound personnel forced indoctrination marketing information to their customers. Therefore, a strong marketing and soft marketing is a fundamental difference: the soft side of marketing initiatives are consumers, and strong marketing initiatives to the enterprise. Network personalization time the return of consumer demand, so that consumers become active in the psychological side, and interactive network for them to become active to provide the conditions. They do not welcome unsolicited advertising, but they will demand some sort of personal drive on his own initiative, to find relevant information online, ads. Network Marketing planning should consider how to adapt to this new environment and demands of the enterprise network marketing as a marketing really soft.

(Iv) the rapid reaction

Speed networks are one of the marketing tool of competition. The magic lies in the network quickly and interact with the virtual world because of the network at speeds up the real world there is a great contrast and speed of online customer satisfaction and loyalty, the impact is clear, therefore, network marketing business model is no longer a traditional marketing Environment speculative business models, but to respond to the needs of a highly commercial model, that is, the enterprises should be standing on the point of view of customers in a timely manner I hope to listen to customers, desire and demand for, and respond in a timely manner and to respond quickly to meet customer demand. Network Marketing in the planning program, it is important to put the network as an important tool for rapid response and means, and in the coordination of quality and service on the foundation set up rapid response mechanism to improve service levels, be able to respond quickly to questions and a quick solution, so as to achieve business and customer win-win outcome.

(E) Relationship Marketing

Time information in the network, the new market environment cause the relationship between enterprises and customers of the changes in nature happen, the key to seize the market from the management of marketing mix into the management of enterprise and customer interaction. The development of modern marketing trends in the performance of shift from Transaction Marketing Relationship Marketing: emphasis not only to win customers, and clients have long-term emphasis; benefits from the focus on short-term turning attention to long-term benefits; sales shift from a single set up friendly relations and cooperation; from a product performance shift as the core product or service to give customers the benefits as the core; never attach importance to a high degree of commitment towards customer service. This requires the planning of online marketing programs, we must deal better with customers around the relationship between the core to start the service, quality and marketing of organically combined with the customer to establish long-term stability of the relationship between the client achieve the goal of long-term holders.

(Vi) Brand Marketing

Competition of modern marketing, not only are quality, price and service competition, and more are brand competition. Brand is not only a business, products and services, logo, and the nights are a reflection of high levels of comprehensive strength and operation of the intangible assets, business enterprises at war with a decisive position and role. Branding is not only a web-based enterprise customers to identify products and services provide a convenient, but also for online purchase and consumption of enterprise customers to provide a credit guarantee products. Brand marketing network will help the expansion of new customers, and help to retain old customers. Although the spread of brand image through the media want to be, but speculation is not out of brand image, but constantly improve the quality of products and services at the same time with the right promotion and the formation of the image. Therefore, the network marketing program planning, not only want to focus on improving brand awareness, but also to focus on products and services by improving quality to enhance the brand reputation, through the integration and optimization of the constituent elements of brand image, and ultimately worthy of public trust has set up the Network brand.

(Vii) return

The true value of network marketing, for the enterprise lies in its short-term or long-term capacity of revenues and profits. Pursue the development of network marketing is not only a return of power, but also maintain the online market relations are a sine qua non. In the network marketing, business to meet the needs of online customers, providing customers with value, but should not the servant to do. Therefore, the network marketing program planning, attention must be given in the network marketing companies in return for network marketing activities to achieve for its customers and the purpose of the creation of shareholder value.

(Viii) Resource Integration

Network marketing is based on the network as a tool of systematic business activity, it is in the network marketing environment of the information flow, business flow, flow manufacturing, logistics, capital flow and flow management services. Although the Internet allows companies to enter the global market to overcome information barriers, but to speed up economic structural adjustment, globalization, an increasingly competitive market environment, the competitiveness of the enterprises are no longer limited to research and development of a product, a technology or a One particular value of capital, but to be good at study and compare the opportunity cost of a resource and the marginal returns, so that enterprises maximize capital appreciation. To achieve this goal, companies must be based on the network for commercial applications wedge machine, looking for a global business partners, set up a strategic alliance marketing, operations and merchandise from their own assets, diversifying the business of social resources. Time in the network marketing competition, only those who are good at effective allocation of resources and restructuring, that is, by knowledge, intelligence and a small amount of capital resources to carry out the operation of the enterprise integration market assembled in order to laugh at the end, the most beautiful smile. Of course, integration of intelligence with the knowledge and resources of society, must have two basic premises: First, to be carried out according to market demand resources; Second, must have a broad spirit of cooperation in good faith. Since the market demand is the source of profit, and co-operation to deal with fierce competition is the best means.

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