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藍鯨的資料 英文版









在所有動物中, 藍鯨發出的聲音最大,.藍鯨在與夥伴聯絡時使用壹種低頻率,震耳欲聾的聲音。這種聲音有時能超過180分貝,比妳站在跑道上所聽到的噴氣式飛機起飛時發出的聲音還要大,靈敏的儀器曾在80千米經外探測到藍鯨的聲音。


The largest blue whale is not only whales, but once on the Earth than the biggest dinosaur life long shock (shock lung, and its length there is 39-52 meters! Height can reach 18 meters. Weight reached 130 tons.

Every year, within the eardrum has a lot of wax accumulation, according to the thickness of wax, you can determine its age. Department in its upper jaw have a piece of the corpus callosum and white, are the growth of hair once the place, then, are the degradation of the hair on the left of a verrucous vegetation has become a breeding ground for parasites. This because of the corpus callosum in each individual and not on the same, just different shapes are wearing the "hat", which therefore can distinguish between different individuals.

) But also large, is known since ancient times has been the largest of all animals, and in general for the 2400-3400 cm body length, weight of 1000 grams 150,000-200,1000, that is, its weight is equivalent to 25 more than the African elephant, or the weight of 2000-3000 the sum of the individual. Fortunately, because of the role of marine buoyancy, it does not need as easily as land animals to support their own weight, and also a huge help to maintain a constant body temperature.

Special short dorsal fin, its length less than 1.5% of body length, flipper is very short, about 4 meters, with 4 toes, later fate of the missing have not carved wavy, wide, flat tail flat. Streamline the entire body was, seems like a razor, so it was called the "razorback."

Blue Whale呈淡general body surface are blue or gray rat, back there is fine pale stripe, white chest spot, 20-fold more than in the ditch, also covered with abdominal fold, as long umbilical, with ocher color macular.雌獸there is cleavage at both sides of the gonopore, which has long nipples. Head relatively small and flat, has two fumaroles, located on top of the head, kissed wide mouth, and mouth without any teeth, maxillary width, convex curved upward, the Health and have to have a black board, many on each side pieces of 300-400, 90-110 cm long, 50-60 cm wide.

Blue whale habitat of the Gulf most of the rivers from the land into an extremely rich in organic matter, so that water quality is very fertile, and promoted a large number of breeding plankton. The plankton-intensive, it has given rise to a body radiates with blue light of the large number of drilling krill. Inconceivable that such a large blue whale is the animal has such a small scale shrimp as the main food of animals.

Blue Whale's body is so great, so there is a tongue 2000 kilograms, there is 3000 kilograms skull, liver there is 1000 kilograms, 500 kilograms heart, blood circulation amounted to 8000 kilograms, there is also雄獸testicles 45 kilograms. If the intestines straighten it enough to have 200-300 Rice, vascular rough enough to a child under the fitted, dirty wall thickness of more than 60 centimeters,雄獸penis as long as three meters. Its staggering force, issued by the horsepower of the power of about 1500-1700, most of the animal world are worthy of Hercules.

Distribution of blue whales from the Antarctic to the Arctic in the north and south between the two hemispheres of the major oceans, particularly near the ocean near the Antarctic more quantity, but relatively rare in tropical waters. In our country in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, the South China Sea, including southern and south-western Taiwan waters. Despite the huge size, the slow pace of normal, usually stationary, it can easily sink in the water, the flexibility to swing the tail, both power forward and also plays the role of the rudder, the course of up to 28 kilometers per hour.

Although blue whales live in the sea, but also with other mammals, like to breathe with lungs, lung weight of more than 1000 kg, can accommodate more than 1000 liters of air. Such a large lung capacity, it significantly reduced the frequency of breathing, about every 10-15 minutes to a surface to breathe. Breathing carbon dioxide, such as the lungs first exhaust expelled from the nostrils in vitro, and then inhaling fresh oxygen.

Its stomach is divided into four, the first part of the stomach to the esophagus become swollen, and so a great appetite, one can devour two million krill per day to eat 4000-8000 kg, if less than the food ventral 2000 kilograms, it will have the feeling of hunger. Krill are the largest number of animals all over the world, is widely distributed in north and south polar area is so rich because of the food, and live in the water did not support the weight restrictions, so development of a blue whale can be so great.

1 meter. Before diving whales in general are not at the tail raised, but before the blue whale diving always at the tail above the surface, and sometimes even leap high water, and then quickly into the 30-40 meter go looking for food in water.

Blue Whale Study on the classification under the MAMMALIA, cetaceans, fin whales Branch, fin whales are. Because over the years in the major countries in the world compete to catch the ocean, and now at 25 meters in length or more rarely blue whale has been met with. In addition, the scale of a large number of shrimp fishing, but also blue whale feeding activity has been greatly affected. According to statistics, half a century ago, the blue whale around all over the world have as many as 300,000 to 25,000 there in 1974, and now there is only around a 2000.

With three blue whales, are for the most part and a baby whale雌獸close together, followed雄獸Since then, around 3 meters apart. Blue whales in the winter breeding, the general雌獸once every 2 years fertility, pregnancy period of 10-12 months, each producing only one child, Aberdeen. Newborn baby on the body length of 6-8 meters and weighing about 6000 kilograms, in order to prevent death, baby care雌獸to the first surface to breathe air, since it will be able to own a breathing.

The age of sexual maturity is about 10 1 8 years old, life expectancy at 50 years of age are generally more than can live to 90-100 years old. In all animals, the voice of blue whale the largest. Blue whale contact with partners in the use of a low frequency, the sound deafening. Sometimes the sound can be more than 180 db, than you hear standing on the runway for take-off of the jet but also the sound, and sensitive equipment in the 80 km outside the detection by the voice of the blue whale.

It also likes to use normal tail water, which is a multi-purpose and have a variety of recreational purposes, are possible to do at the game, or it may be in order to arouse the attention of his companions, perhaps in order to shake off the parasites on the skin of harassment . Although some people have seen groups of 50-60 only to blue whales, but rarely form a group in general, most are solitary, or only with activity 2-3 only. Double of the blue whale habitat is in harmony with each other, with swimming, diving, feeding and breathing, like a mandarin duck, inseparable, usually leaving behind a broad watercourse.

Since 1932 even though the international community has been on the annual number of blue whale hunting restrictions, but the world's largest animal on the prospects are still very dangerous!

It every day, most of the time with open mouth around in a pair of dense plankton, on the mouth of the two rows have to like a sieve plate, the stomach's also a lot of accordion bellows, as the same fold, but also to expand reduced, so that it can be swallowed together water and krill, and then closed one mouth so that water discharged from the have to, under the filter shrimp fish, swallow and eat. Blue whales have other shrimp food, fish, jellyfish, diatoms, and a variety of plankton, etc. In contrast, living in the northern waters of the blue whale, larger than life in Antarctic waters near the small, it is generally thought this with the type and quantity of food is closely related to.

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