當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 單機遊戲攻略 - 求Eminem有首歌Kim的歌詞


Aww Look At Daddy's Baby Girl 看看爸爸的小寶貝

That's Daddy Baby 我是爸爸 寶貝

Little Sleepy Head 昏昏欲睡的小腦袋

Yesterday I Changed Your Diaper 昨天我給妳換了尿布

Wiped You And Powdered You 給妳擦洗 給妳喝奶

How Did You Get So Big 妳怎麽長這麽大了

Can't Believe It Now Your Two 簡直不敢相信

Baby You're So Precious 寶貝妳是如此的珍貴

Daddy's So Proud Of You 爸爸真為妳驕傲

Sit Down Bitch 給我做好 婊子

If You Move Again I'll Beat The Shit Out Of You


Eminem Eminem As Kim

Okay 好的

Don't Make Me Wake This Baby 別讓我吵醒孩子

She Don't Need To See What I'm About To Do 她不用看我將要做什麽

Quit Crying Bitch Why Do You Always Make Me Shout At You 別再嚎叫了婊子 妳怎麽總是讓我對妳大叫

How Could You 妳怎麽能

Just Leave Me And Love Him Out The Blue 就這樣離開我去愛他

Oh What's A Matter Kim 哦 kim 怎麽了

Am I Too Loud For You 我是不是對妳太大聲了

Too Bad Bitch Your Gonna Finally Hear Me Out This Time 太糟了 婊子 現在聽我說完

At First I'm Like All Right 首先 我看起來很好

You Wanna Throw Me Out That's Fine 妳想把我丟掉 很好

But Not For Him To Take My Place Are You Out You're Mind 但不要因為要讓他代替我 瘋了嗎

This Couch This Tv This Whole House Is Mine 這床,這電視,整個房子都是我的

How Could You Let Him Sleep In Our Bed 妳怎麽能讓他躺在我們的床上

Look At Kim 看呀 kim

Look At Your Husband Now 現在看著妳的丈夫

No 不

I Said Look At Him 我說看看他

He Ain't So Hot Now Is He 他現在不那麽火辣了對吧

Little Punk 小朋克

Why Are You Doing This 妳為什麽這樣做

Shut The Fuck Up 他媽的閉嘴

You're Drunk You're Never Going To Get Away At This 妳喝醉了 妳從沒做出過這種事

You Think I Give A Fuck 妳認為我要“那個”

Come On We're Going For A Ride Bitch 來呀婊子那咱們就“那個”

No 不

Sit Up Front 做好

Well I Can't Just Leave Haley Alone What If She Wakes Up 我不能把helie壹個人留下 她醒了怎麽辦

We'll Be Right Back 我很快回來

Well I Will You'll Be In The Trunk 是的我會的 妳會被裝進旅行箱

1 So Long Bitch You Did Me So Wrong 很長時間以來妳對我做錯太多了

I Don't Wanna Go On 我不想再這樣下去

Living In This World Without You 活在沒有妳的世界中

Repeat 1

You Really Fucked Me Kim 妳真的欺騙了我kim

You Really Did A Number On Me 妳真的欺騙我太多了

Never Knew Me Cheating On You Would Come Back To Haunt Me 妳從來不了解我妳對我的不忠真的傷害了我

But We Was Kids Then Kim I Was Only 18 但我們那時還是孩子 我只有18歲

That Was Years Ago 許多年過去了

I Thought We Wiped The Slate Clean 我覺得我們可以把舊賬壹筆勾銷

That's Fucked Up 太糟了

I Love You 我愛妳

Oh God My Brain Is Racing 天吶我的腦子紊亂了

I Love You 我愛妳

What Are You Doing 妳在做什麽

Change The Station I Hate This Song 換臺 我討厭這首歌

Does This Look Like A Big Joke 這看起來是不是像個笑話

No 不

There's A Four Year Old Boy Lyin' Dead With A Slit Throat In Your Living Room Ha Ha 壹個4歲兒童在妳的起居室裏被割破喉嚨

What You Think I'm Kiddin' You 妳是不是覺得我在哄騙妳

You Loved Him Didn't You 妳愛他對不對

No 不

Bullshit You Bitch Don't Fucking Lie To Me 胡說 別他媽的騙我

What The Fuck's This Guy's Problem On The Side Of Me

Fuck You Asshole Yeah Bite Me 咬我

Kim Kim

Why Don't You Like Me 妳為什麽不喜歡我

You Think I'm Ugly Don't You 妳是不是我太醜了

It's Not That 不是那樣的

No You Think I'm Ugly 不 妳就是覺得我醜

Baby 寶貝

Get The Fuck Away From Me Don't Touch Me

I Hate You I Hate You 別再騙我了!別碰我! 我恨妳!我恨妳

I Swear To God I Hate You 對天發誓我恨妳

Oh My God I Love You 上帝啊 我愛妳

How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 妳他媽的怎麽能這樣對我呢

Sorry 抱歉

How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 妳他媽的怎麽能這樣對我呢

Repeat 1 2x

Come On Get Out 過來 出來

I Can't I'm Scared 不 我害怕

I Said Get Out Bitch 我說了給我過來婊子

Let Go Of My Hair Please Don't Do This Baby 別揪我的頭發別這樣做寶貝

Please I Love You Look We Can Just Take Haley And Leave 我愛妳看我們已經有了halie

Fuck You You Did This To Us 靠 是妳對我們做錯了

You Did It It's Your Fault 妳做的 妳的錯

Oh My God I'm Crackin' Up 天啊我要崩潰了

Get A Grip Marshall

Hey Remember The Time We Went To Brian's Party 還記不記得在Brian的聚會麽

And You Were Like So Drunk That You Threw Up All Over Archie 妳醉的吐了Archie壹身

That Was Funny Wasn't It 那很可笑對吧

Yes 是的

That Was Funny Wasn't It 那很可笑對吧

Yes 是的

See It All Makes Sense Doesn't It

You And Your Husband Have A Fight 妳跟妳丈夫打架了

One Of You Tries To Grab A Knife 妳們中的壹個挨槍子

And During The Struggle He Accidentally Gets His Adam's Apple Sliced 壹陣打鬥之後 他不小心割了自己的喉嚨

No 不

And While This Is Goin' On

His Son Just Woke Up And He Just Walks In 他的兒子醒了 然後走了進來

She Panics And He Gets His Throat Cut 她害怕了然後他叫了起來

Oh My God 天吶

So Now They Both Dead And You Slash Your Own Throat 所以他們全都死了 而妳也割向自己的喉嚨

So Now It's Double Homicide And Suicide With No Note 所以這有兩個死人 還有個沒留遺囑的自殺者

I Should Have Known Better When You Started To Act Weird 我應該知道當妳表現的神秘時

We Could've Hey Where You Going Get Back Here 我們… 嘿 妳去哪 給我回來

You Can't Run From Me Kim 妳逃不掉的kim

It's Just Us Nobody Else 這裏除了我們沒有別人

You're Only Making This Harder On Yourself 這只會讓妳更難受

Ha Ha Got'cha


Ha Go Ahead Yell 隨便妳叫

Here I'll Scream With You 來啊我和妳壹起叫

Ah Somebody Help 沒人來救妳

Don't You Get It Bitch No One Can Hear You 懂了嗎 沒人能聽到妳

Now Shut The Fuck Up And Get What's Comin To You 現在妳他媽的給我閉嘴,想想妳將遭遇到什麽

You Were Supposed To Love Me 妳假裝很愛我

Kim Choking Kim 窒息

Now Bleed Bitch Bleed 現在流血吧

Bleed Bitch Bleed Bleed 流血吧...

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