當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 單機遊戲攻略 - 農夫和他的三個女兒英文


農夫和他的三個女兒:The farmer and his three daughters?


1、The poor?farmer?must be curious about the European tour.這個窮苦的農民肯定對這次歐洲旅遊很好奇。

2、Maybe you’ve got a little piece of land somewhere that you can lease to a?farmer?or a developer.如果有壹塊閑置的土地,試著租給農民或者開發商。

3、When it was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall?farmer?plowing the land.當黃昏的時候,他看到在莊稼地壹個健壯的農民正在耕地。

4、The?farmer?cut at the snake with a stick這個農夫用棍子使勁打蛇。

5、The?farmer?contracted to lease his land.這位農場主訂了出租自己土地的合同。

6、The hunter compensated the?farmer?for killing his cow.這獵人因殺了農夫的母牛而賠償他。

7、The?farmer?has so many chickens, he can hardly keep track of them all.


8、The?farmer?didn't plant the tree near the road.農夫沒有把樹栽在路邊。

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