當前位置:遊戲中心平台 - 單機遊戲攻略 - “The Broken Ones” 的中英文歌詞。

“The Broken Ones” 的中英文歌詞。

I know they've hurt you bad.我知道他們深深的傷害了妳

Wide, the scars you have.令妳完全凍結了

Baby let me straighten out your broken bones,親愛的,讓我清理好妳受傷的骨骼

All you faults to me make you more beautiful.在我眼中,所有妳的缺陷都使妳顯得更美麗。

I can't help it,我不能自控地,

I love the broken one,我愛那些心碎了的人兒,

The ones who,那些,

Need the most patching up.最需要包紮他們傷口的人兒,

The ones who've,那些,

Never been loved,從來沒有被愛過,

Never been loved,從來沒有被愛過,

Never been loved.從來沒有被愛過的人,

And O maybe I see a part of me in them.或許,我從他們身上看到了壹部分的自己。

The missing piece always trying to pit in.失落的碎片總是希望得到修復。

The shattered heart,碎了的心,

Hungry for a home.渴望有壹個家

No your not alone,妳的心並不是孤單的,

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

You don't have to drive,妳並不需要在駕駛時

With your headlights off.關掉妳的車頭燈

It's a pocketknife,那是壹把小折刀

Not a gift from god.而並非來自上帝的禮物

Don't you learn of love from the love they kept.難道妳還沒有從他們持有的愛中了解到愛嗎?

I will be your anchor slowly,我將會慢慢地成為給妳安全感的人,

Step by step.壹步壹步地,

I can't help it,我不能自控地,

I love the broken one,我愛那些心碎了的人兒

The ones who,那些,

Need the most patching up.最需要包紮他們傷口的人兒

The ones who've,那些

Never been loved,從來沒有被愛過

Never been loved,從來沒有被愛過

Never been loved.從來沒有被愛過的人兒

And O maybe I see a part of me in them.或許,我從他們身上看到了壹部分的自己。

The missing piece always trying to pit in.失落的碎片總是希望得到修復。

The shattered heart,碎了的心,

Hungry for a home.渴望有壹個家

No your not alone,妳的心並不是孤單的,

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

Maybe we can rip off the bandage.或許我們可以把繃帶撕掉

Maybe you will see it for what it is.或許妳將會看到妳的傷口到底是什麽

Maybe we can burn this building,或許我們可以把這座建築燒掉

Holding you in.抱住妳

I can't help it,我不能自控地

I love the broken one,我愛那些心碎了的人兒

The ones who,那些

Need the most patching up.最需要包紮傷口的人兒

The ones who've,那些

Never been loved,從來沒被愛過

Never been loved,從來沒被愛過

Never been loved.從來沒被愛過的人兒

And O maybe I see a part of me in them.或許,我從他們身上看到了壹部分的自己。

The missing piece always trying to pit in.失落的碎片總是希望得到修復。

The shattered heart,碎了的心,

Hungry for a home.渴望有壹個家

No your not alone,妳的心並不是孤單的,

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

I love the broken ones.我愛那些心碎了的人兒

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